Thursday, March 29, 2012

Four Teen Bedroom Organization Tips

Is your teenager's bedroom out of control?  Your teen’s bedroom is either a disaster or he or she has learned what it takes to manage one’s personal space. And likely with not a little prodding from you. Regardless of the current condition of your teen’s bedroom, there may be room for improvement. The following tips can help your teen organize his or her personal space and ensure that sanity prevails in your household.


1. Make use of baskets — Professional organizer Marilyn Bohn offers some excellent tips on how to organize a teenager’s bedroom. She suggests making use of baskets, including paint-able wicker baskets, that can hold an assortment of items including sporting equipment and smaller baskets that can be placed on shelves or on top of bureaus to hold personal effects or accessories. Each teen should have his or her own clothing basket or hamper and a waste basket.

2. Shoe boxes — Shoe boxes aren’t just for holding shoes — you can buy a shoe tree or a shoe rack if your teen has multiple pairs of shoes and use those for storing shoes instead. Shoe boxes are great for two reasons: they’re stackable and they can be labeled. Oh, yes, these boxes can hold an assortment of items including CD's, make up, school supplies, you name it.

3. Plastic bins — Seasonal clothing does not need to take up more room than necessary. Store winter gear in plastic bins and place these in the closet, in your attic or basement. Make sure that the containers are airtight and, if moths are a problem, place repellant inside. Clothing that is outgrown should be handed down or donated, helping to reduce your home’s overall clutter.

4. Bulletin board or peg board — Likely, you already have a peg board in your kitchen or other central room in your home with a calendar, a chart and notes tacked or pegged on. Translate this idea into your teen’s bedroom, by offering him or her a personal bulletin board or peg board. This space can help your teen keep track of his or her own appointments including due assignments, special projects and other information that needs a home.

Final Thoughts

You can help your teen be better organized by providing him with his own desk or giving her a color-coded calendar to manage school, sports and family events.  Whatever plan you put in place, enlist the help of your teen who will need to know what goes where. Finally, for a fresh look, paint your teen’s bedroom in colors that he or she likes.

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