Tuesday, February 5, 2013

5 DIY Projects That Could Ruin Your Home

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Great advise in this article!

Before you take an unsupervised plunge into your next do it yourself project, you may want to keep in mind these four DIY disasters.

Here are a few easy ways you could ruin your home from Yahoo! Homes.

1. Flooring - When you deal with bathrooms, you're dealing with water. You should really hire someone who knows what they are doing. This is serious stuff! Educate yourself and go online, because you can't cheap-out on doing a bathroom floor.

2. Toilets - Homeowners have ended up paying thousands of dollars to repair ceilings and floors after the new toilet leaked through one floor to the next. An extra $2 wax ring to seal the toilet and floor drain is one solution, or just hire a contractor or plumber for about $135 in labor costs.

3. Cabinets - You can have a professional painter do the job or have a company reface them. Cabinet refacing has become a quick, affordable, and less messy renovation process. Contractors remove and replace doors and drawers for a couple thousand dollars, depending on the size of your kitchen, which is a bargain compared to the more than $10,000 is can cost for new cabinets.

4. Walls - A load-bearing wall is one that bears the weight and force of a structure and transfers that weight to the ground. That means everyone and everything is safe from falling through to the bottom floor. But before taking out one of these walls, you need to first put up a temporary wall. If you don't do this series of events in tearing down walls, everything drops.

5. Venting - The ventilation in your home is vital to keeping the temperature regulated, so when doing things yourself be aware of where the ventilation is in your home. It could cost up to $15,000 to move ventilation. So if you want to DIY but ventilation proves a problem, it may be best to leave that project and move on.

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